Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The Keys to Consolidating Student Debt!

College students who are trying to pay off their loans are being increasingly troubled by their student debt. Colleges have increased fees considerably lately and students are finding it extremely difficult to pay for college. Student loans are the only solution to most of the college students and in order to be able to repay their student debt many of them have to resort to debt consolidation.

When a student is looking forwards to his graduation, the repayment of loans burdens him and don't let them concentrate on other financial problems and projects. Repayment of loan can be frightening for some students and their parents. Graduate level students often owe more than $24000, while those studying medicine or law accumulate even more debt due to the high prices of books and material related to those disciplines.

Repayment Starts Too Early

It becomes imperative to seek a solution to the question as to how a student can repay these growing loans. Federally guaranteed student loans are traditionally issued at variable rates with a rather short repayment term. This arrangement sometimes contributes to the problem. In many cases, students who have not even joined the workforce yet, have to start repaying their debt.

Consolidating Federal Student Loans

Students have the option to consolidate their federal educational loans by locking in at current interest rates. By doing so, students get the best possible interest rates, reduce the additional amount they will pay in the future and have the convenience of a single payment each month.

Students can extend the loan terms for a longer period of time of up to 30 years. This solution lowers the students' monthly payments but the interest rates are accumulated for a longer period thus increasing the total amount due at the end of the period. Students can also combine many loans or several disbursements into one loan, thus edging the concept of Loan Consolidation.

A Student should be a graduate in order to opt for loan consolidation. This consolidation process must be started early. It is better to start at the time when the student is a fresher. Consolidation would lock federal education loans at low rates but any loans the students take from then on would be subject to change of annual interest rate. As the interest rate changes, the students' final consolidation rate will be calculated based on the average for the various rates they have paid. The students who consolidate are given the opportunity only once unless they exclude a loan or incur in more debt. Consolidation provides a single installment instead of several payments.

Private Student Debt

Though the rates are fixed only by federal government, many lenders offer special incentives to good customers. Some offer discounts if the students allow the lender to automatically withdraw the payments from the bank account. Others offer additional incentives like rewards for timely payments.

Another Debt Reduction Alternative

Students are also free to pay back the loans by performing community services under different government programs. It is not always the solution for every loan to be consolidated. Those holding Perkins Loans should investigate the possibilities of having their loans forgiven.

Fast Speed Student Loans Approval Even With Bad Credit!

You can protect your financial interest too along with your education. Though students have to face several problems due to lack of credit and finance and since parents not always can collect enough funds to pay for college, there are still sources of funds to finance your way through College.

If the student does not already have an established credit, this may be an obstacle to the student's further education. Bad credit student loans can help them out in such a situation. Bad credit student loans are loans which are specifically packaged for students with bad credit. These loans provide the most important financial aid to any student with bad credit or no credit at all.

Bad Credit Student Loans

If you cannot qualify for the standard student loan for any reason, bad credit student loans are the next best option. In fact, these bad credit student loans can also be used for the purpose of repairing your credit history. The easy way out would be to consolidate all your bills and pay them off with the help of a bad credit student loan.

Bad credit student loans are given out to the students at a slightly higher rate of interest compared to the interest rate on the standard student loans. If the student makes timely payments on the bad credit loan for two years consistently, then the lender lowers the interest rate on the loan.

There are many ways in which one can look for bad credit student loans. Parents can help out their children in this "search". There are many private and government lending agencies that deal with such loans. And there are also many student loan management companies that exclusively deal with different kinds of student loans. Some of these companies give out loans to students without even asking for their credit score or rating. Such loans are usually short-term, like cash advance loans and student paychecks.

The latest development is the availability of the bad credit student loans online. The best part about applying for bad credit student loans online is the flexibility of the time component and the shortening of distances. A proper research work and a comparison of different loan options is required before you apply for a bad credit student loan. You just need to look for the site that provides you with the most benefits and fill up the online application form.

Online Bad Credit Student Loans

These online bad credit student loans are usually short-term loans that do not require any credit checks. A cash advance for about $500 can be availed overnight through the Internet. The repayment procedure for these loans is also very simple. A student needs to send a post-dated check to the lender after the approval of the loan application. This check is cashed when the student gets the next paycheck.

Filling out the application form is a simple process. The information required in the forms for bad credit student loans is very basic: your address, some other personal details, and at times, your credit ratings.

If you are applying for the first time, you can hire an agent. Professional help can come in handy at the time of application for student loans. This will enable you to get all the information that you require about different loan options. There are also many schools and colleges that provide consultancy and help with regards to the different student loans and financial products.

Get Rid From All Worries With Student Loan Debt Consolidation

Are you finding it tough to meet both the ends? Ease your life while you concentrate on your studies with student loan debt consolidation and take your career to wild heights. Sky is the limit. You can always apply for loans and if you already have one and the rates of interest are bothering you, you can take up a giant student loan debt consolidation at lower rates of interest and wider pay back time span. Several companies these days provide free debt consolidation help for your quest for the best debt consolidation.

The huge student loan debt consolidation assists you take up one loan which curtails all your botherations for paying high interests to the debtors, and that too at low rates of interest. Government policies are designed which again reduces the interest to 2 to 3 percentage and at times if viable zero percentage debt consolidation is made available to the students for primary as well as higher studies. Scholarships are provided for specific trades as well as for few years which can be extended to zero percentage loans for pursuing higher education.

Guardians do provide support for studies but only for the basic amenities. Only student can understand, what are the other silly expenses which are, at times tough to cut down. For all that they have to depend on friends, relatives if any or high interest money lenders, which keep posing a mental pressure on the students and it becomes tough to manage both job as well as studies simultaneously. At such times of life, its specially designed student loan debt consolidation which serves as a blessing for the individuals.

The repayment system of the student loan debt consolidation begins only after the student graduates from the university, which helps both the parents as well as the ward and provides with a financial freedom. Students should not indulge in settling the debts themselves. Experienced debt settlement agency should be sought after which sets it optimally saving a lot of student's valuable time. What should be taken due care of while choosing the debt consolidation is the cheapest rates of interest, repayment duration and penalties. This would perhaps be the first loan which student takes up in life time so would be unaware of the procedure and the rates of interest so at times may get trapped in wrong manner. The loan is easily sanctioned if the college has a better reputation and provides with pre-placement offers. If guardians take the guarantee, that is the other way out. But still proper advice should be taken before opting for any debt consolidation.

Christian debt consolidation is one of those prime agencies which provides such services not only to Christians but for all those students who reveal their interest in studies.

Student Finance Tips

Anyone can identify with the heavy strain placed on a student's finances. Besides paying for school, many undergrads and those pursuing further education have countless responsibilities and financial obligations to fulfill. Though part-time jobs can cover small expenses, bills and student loan payments can really add up. All students should keep these tips in mind:

• Apply for financial aid early. Make sure you research when the cut off date is and put in your government application in as soon as it's allowed.

• Pay a visit to your campus financial aid office. Many a times, there are scholarships available that you may not have known existed.
• Keep track of small purchases, such as your weekly spends at Starbucks or dinners out. If you find a significant amount of your cash flow is going to one place, try to reduce it slowly.
• Don't borrow more than you can pay back: both from friends, parents or credit card companies.

• Shop around for student-friendly banks. Many campuses have in-house banks with flexible account options for students.

• Buy used textbooks for your classes. You may not save a whole lot, but you'll reduce some of your semester expenses.

• Consider signing up for a student credit card, with added benefits and savings.

Many student credit cards offer great cash back bonuses, such as the Discover Student Monogram Card. StarReviews.com reports that this particular student credit card provides 5% back on qualifying purchases, as well as the opportunity to double your rewards at participating merchants.

The Discover Student Tropical Beach card doesn't charge an annual fee, either, which is a popular perk of many student credit cards. Custom credit cards and all, any student should monitor their spending habits to prevent any financial fiascos from occurring.

Debt Consolidation

If you want, debt consolidation is having a person or a company assist you in taking care of your bills for free.

The sad fact of life is that only a few things in life come for free and information and debt consolidation are not expelled. This service usually does not come for free but there are credit counseling agencies that are non-profitable who do give you free debt consolidation, but only within reason, of course. And sadly, that's all there is to it. Everything comes with the PRICE.
How can you find Free Debt Consolidation? Many companies offer free Debt Consolidation to get rid off all your confusion and give you options of different programs regarding your credit and debt depending on your situation. You can also get the free information online. They also provide many programs and tips related to debt consolidation. You should read several articles and consult with your friend before making the decision. As sometime the information that is free may not be as reliable as it seem, it might be incorrect or deficient in evidential support. You can not trust everything that comes across you so you should consult with few companies to get a better ideaArticle Search, it is time consuming but it's better to be wary than sorry.

When you consult with the free debt Consolidation Company you will like the debt consolidation program they're offering and you get attracted them easily as you want get out off debt as soon as possible. You have to keep patience at that time. Try to gather as many information as you can. Sometime it's better to go with the company which charges you the fee as you know you get everything in a on written format like the terms and conditions are clear so you know what you're giving up and what you'll be receiving in return. If you are lucky and got some handy person helping you out then all your worries will be solved easily and you will be soon free from debts.

Understanding The Principles Of The Stafford Student Loan Scheme

Back in 1965 Congress launched the Federal Family Education Loan Program to provide financial assistance to students. One element of this loans program is Stafford loans which were initially intended to help only those students in real financial need but which today account for more than ninety percent of all Federal education loans.

Since their inception Stafford loans have altered with changing conditions and now there are two main types of the loan - subsidized and unsubsidized Stafford loans.

In the case of subsidized loans the Federal Government takes responsibility for the payment of any interest accruing on a loan from the date of issue until the student has to start making repayments. Usually a student does not have to make repayments while he is enrolled on a program of study that is considered to be a 'half-time' or greater program of study and for a period of up to six months after the end of his course. However, a student can begin making payments at an earlier point if he so chooses.

Since interest on the loan is being subsidized, these loans are normally granted only on the basis of need and officials will consider both a student's and his family's income when deciding whether or not a student qualifies for a subsidized Stafford loan. Students need to fill out a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) application form that includes details of income and the student is then given a number known as the Expected Family Contribution calculated from the income figures provided.

Around two-thirds of all subsidized Stafford loans are granted to students whose parents have an Adjusted Gross Income of less than $50,000 a year. A further one-quarter are granted to families in the $50-100,000 a year bracket. At this point however the definition of the term 'need' becomes a bit blurred and slightly under one-tenth of subsidized loans are given to students with a combined family income of over $100,000.

In the case of those students who do not qualify for a subsidized loan most will be eligible for an unsubsidized Stafford loan. The major difference here is that students must meet all interest payments on the loan, though once more payment do not generally start until six months after the completion of the student's course of study.

The mechanics of unsubsidized Stafford loans means that a loan can be reasonably costly because interest builds over the period of study and so the capital sum for eventual repayment will also increase. Let's take an extremely simplified example.

Let us assume that a student borrows the sum of $5,000 in his first year at an interest rate of 6.8%. At the end of the year the interest due is $340 which will be added to the loan. In the second year the student will accrue interest on the new capital sum of $5,340 at 6.8% which will come to about $363 raising the total debt at the end of the second year to $5Free Web Content,703. Of course this is not wholly accurate because interest is calculated and added monthly but it does nonetheless show the principles underlying this type of loan.

Dependent upon the amount of money that the student borrows each year and the length of time before repayment begins you can see that a student can pay a relatively high price for the benefit of delaying the repayment of a Stafford loan.

In spite of this apparently high cost it ought to be remembered that a lot of the alternative methods for meeting the cost of a college education are much more costly and that a lot of students could not afford to go to college without the Stafford loans scheme.

Friday, December 7, 2007



The financial aid administrator will assist you in putting together a package for financial aid, that will come as close as possible to meet your need. A formula of the cost of attendance minus the expected family contribution will determine your financial need.

Your school’s financial aid office will work with you.

If you are a dependant and undergraduate student you can borrow annually up to $2,625.00 as a first year student enrolled for a full academic year

After you have completed your first year of study and you have a full year of study to go you will receive $3,500.00 with the remainder of your program including a full academic year

After completing 2 years of study the amount you can borrow for the Stafford loan will be $5,500.00

And the rest of your programs includes a full academic year

If you qualify for a PLUS loan then you can borrow annually $6,625 for a first year student meeting the above requirements

You can borrow up to $7,500.00 annually after completing the first year of study and the rest of your programs includes a full academic year

Up to $10,500.00 will be available to you after completing 2 years of study and you have a full academic year remaining.

We hope our pages on student loans have helped you. Best of luck with your school financing and continued education.